Paul the Octopus to retire, Tanja Munzig told AP Television News

No oracle octopus, No more World Cup. Paul the octopus has become a pop culture sensation by correctly predicting the outcome of the World Cup much like the legs - the seven parties of Germany and the final Spain-Netherlands - will retire.

Intuitive invertebrates should retire and do whatever he wants to do best: play with her handlers and the joy of children who come to visit him, Tanja Munzig, spokesman for the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, told AP news

However, Paul took the last curtain call on Monday. Aquarium staff gifted the gold cup to octopus which is similar to the official World Cup trophy.

Paul the Octopus to retire
Although the cup was filled with mussels, Paul was ignored because it was lowered into his tank - showing the world one last time, it is not just any old squid, which can be excited by the prospect bright .


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