Thunder defeated Mavericks in western finals

NBA Betting

In the western conference finals, bulls won by Thunders won by Mavericks on Thursday at American Airlines Center, Dallas. Oklahoma City Thunders player J. Harden has performed well in NBA Game.

Final Score: Thunder, 106 and Mavericks, 100.

First Quarter:

In the first quarter, Mavericks have got lead over Thunders. Mavericks scored 31 whereas Thunders scored 26.

Second Quarter:

Thunders have scored more in the second quarter than Mavericks. Thunders scored 33 where as Mavericks scored 26.

By the end of the half-time, Mavericks got more points than Thunders.

Third Quarter:

Mavericks have dominated Thunders in the Third quarter. Both the teams have played well Thunders scored 18 and Mavericks scored 19.

Fourth Quarter:

In the fourth quarter, Thunders bounces back well and scored 29 points while Mavericks scored only 24.

Finally, Thunders has registered a memorable victory in western conference final series.


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